
The Fundamental Process

Much like cultivating virtue, meditation is a profound practice aimed at selecting and refining one’s intentions, which fundamentally transforms the mind. Where virtue impact the parts of our mind governing emotional regulation and how we approach interpersonal relationships, meditation extends its effect throughout the entire mind. It promotes a harmonious operation and enhances communication between all its different parts. This holistic integration, often referred to as unification of mind, can be likened to a well-coordinated team where each player focuses on the collective outcome, leading to a smoother and more effective performance.

Consider the difference between two basketball teams: one where players primarily look out for themselves, and another where each member works towards the team’s overall success. In a similar way, our minds mirror this group dynamic. Just like a disjointed team, they often operate in a state of conflict, leading to what we perceive internally as discord or resistance. For example, we might struggle when trying to execute a well-intended plan. Meditation helps to unify the mind, making the sharing of resources among its parts more efficient, thus boosting cooperation and reducing internal friction between them. This improved synergy allows us to function better, make decisions that align with our values, and navigate life’s daily demands with tranquility.

The technique

Meditative training involves consistently generating specific intentions, tailored to the chosen technique. Our method centers on a form of concentration meditation where we cultivate the intention to gently place the attention on the feeling of the breath entering and leaving the nostrils, acting as an anchor for the mind. As with other techniques, this intention leads consciousness towards release and awareness. Over time, we become more adept at sustaining these intentions, and the faculties of attention and introspection are strengthened, making their control feel nearly effortless.

Various meditation techniques promote mental transformations at different rates and depths. Some, like focusing on the breath, emphasize the stability of attention and a sense of joy, while others focus on cultivating profound shifts in perception right from the start. Given the challenges of modern life, it’s essential to choose a method that resonates with you and meets your personal needs. Whether that involves visualization, exploring specific aspects of your experience, or another approach, the best technique is the one that feels right and is sustainable for you over time.


Meditation builds momentum, just like a snowball rolling downhill. The more you practice consistently, the stronger and more resilient your meditation becomes. This means your practice is better equipped to handle life’s inevitable bumps, like stress or fatigue. Even the occasional missed session won’t derail your progress. Remember, meditation is a practice that builds on consistency, but even the most dedicated practitioners miss sessions sometimes. Life happens, and that’s perfectly okay. The key is to pick yourself up and get back on track when you can. Some days life gets busy, and that’s okay!


Meditation builds momentum, just like a snowball rolling downhill. The more you practice consistently, the stronger and more resilient your meditation becomes. This means your practice is better equipped to handle life’s inevitable bumps, like stress or fatigue. Even the occasional missed session won’t derail your progress. Remember, meditation is a practice that builds on consistency, but even the most dedicated practitioners miss sessions sometimes. Life happens, and that’s perfectly okay. The key is to pick yourself up and get back on track when you can. Some days life gets busy, and that’s okay!

Pace of Progress

Meditation is like learning a new skill – the more you practice, the faster you’ll see results. This means someone who dedicates more daily minutes to meditation will likely experience benefits more powerfully than someone who meditates less. But here’s the good news: every minute counts. Life is busy, and finding time to meditate can be challenging. Don’t worry about how much time others dedicate to their practice. The most important thing is to find a rhythm that works for you, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Consistency is key to unlocking the benefits of meditation. Even short daily sessions have a significant impact on your well-being. Rapidly, you’ll notice improvements in focus, calmness, and overall sense of peace. So be gentle with yourself, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the journey of meditation.